full point

美 [ˌfʊl ˈpɔɪnt]英 [ˌfʊl ˈpɔɪnt]
  • 满分;句点;句号
full pointfull point


a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations
in England they call a period a stop
Synonym: period point full stop stop


  1. In the international network , a full point code routing is used .


  2. It 's specially designed for soft printing full point printing .


  3. On Thursday , the Bank of England dropped interest rates a full point down to the two percent level .


  4. You not aware of your behavior is shameless ? Please give me a good reason for the full point ?


  5. It 's specially designed for carton printing machine full point printing . The printing press could make many books quickly .


  6. The Bank of England , meanwhile , reduced its key rate by a full point , to2 % & a rate last seen in1939 .


  7. More than a million jobs have been lost in the United States during the last year , pushing the unemployment rate up a full point in the same time period .


  8. Results : The survey score ranges between 1-5 with 5 being the full point . The average score of psychology is 3.3908 for female and 3.2513 for male students .


  9. That said , the full point to in the market to adjust the position , need to understand the market and the culture of target market product consumption structure and potential development degree , etc.


  10. The Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing managers group , says its manufacturing index in August expanded at its fastest clip since June of 2011 , rising more than a full point .


  11. Performance ratings given by their supervisors , who filled out weekly surveys rating both treadmill users and non-users , rose for walkers by a full point by the end of the year .


  12. The Labor Department says 8.8 percent of the U.S. work force was unemployed in March . That is one-tenth of a percent lower than in February , and a full point below its level in November .


  13. If a relative is ill during this eclipse , think good thoughts-the illness would reach a full point quickly , so that person can be helped by her doctor and hopefully provide relief just as rapidly .


  14. California grew last year at 3.5 percent , a full percentage point above the national average .


  15. On average , managers saw global growth in gross domestic product dipping a full percentage point .


  16. Two-year Treasuries are yielding a full percentage point less than the Fed funds rate .


  17. The benchmark lending rate dropped a full percentage point , to2.75 percent .


  18. If I were on the monetary policy committee today , I would argue for a full percentage point .


  19. The oil film characteristics of full film point contact thermal EHL and the modified thermal formula of minimum film thickness


  20. The Bank of Korea cut its rate by a full percentage point to a record low of 3 per cent .


  21. By contrast , it can make at least a full percentage point more on lending in Asia outside Japan .


  22. Spanish yields are now at their lows for the year , falling a full percentage point so far this week .


  23. More importantly , labour-force participation is still more than a full percentage point below what it reached in 2000 .


  24. Brazil 's central bank reduced interest rates by a full percentage point to12.75 % . The cut was larger than expected .


  25. Its immediate effect has been large : on Monday , Italian and Spanish yields fell by almost a full percentage point , respectively .


  26. No other cycle has seen consumer spending growth so wildly exceed personal income growth by nearly a full percentage point annually over the past six years .


  27. It is now close to 1 per cent , so the effective scope for an interest rate reduction at the short end is close to a full percentage point .


  28. Year-on-year urban fixed asset investment decelerated sharply , to 19.3 per cent , and industrial production was a full percentage point below the first-half growth rate .


  29. The United States is believed to have been in a recession since December of last year . During that time , U.S. unemployment has jumped a full percentage point .


  30. Mr Feldstein called on the fed to adopt a risk-management approach , and cut interest rates by a full percentage point to guard against a downturn .
